Providing Better Health with local solutions

Nestled far from the bustling transportation and food production hubs of North America, Northern Ontario holds its own unique charm. Despite its remote location, the resilient inhabitants of this stunning wilderness deserve access to the finest farm-fresh fruits and vegetables. At Kamorganics, we remain unwavering in our quest for efficient and environmentally friendly solutions, ensuring that the bounty of nature reaches every corner of this beautifully rugged landscape.

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“All seasons all weather Greenhouses”


These winterized greenhouses with southward exposure are the prefect solution for operating in the cold Canadian Winter. Imported from Northern China a region that has long suffered from a short growing season this eastern technology should offer us the ability to have fresh local tomatoes in December.



“Biomass heated Greenhouses”


In the north the growing season is limited and most options of artificial heating for crops are expensive and add substantially  to unsustainable practices. One renewable resource there is no lack of in the north is discarded timber products which make excellent fuel.




Raised Bed




Open Source farming solutions “FARMBOT”


Because our focus is  environmentally and communitywise solutions Farmbot is a technical innovation that fits in perfectly with that plan. Farmbot is an open source program precision agriculture CNC farming project consisting of a cartesian coordinate robot farming machine, software and documentation including a farming data repository.  The FarmBot project was started in 2011 when Rory Aronson whilst studying mechanical engineering atCalifornia Polytechnic State University.

Due to the shortage of manual labour in the Thunder Bay area we hope we will be able  to scale up this technology to work in our Greenhouses.

“Open Source Beehives”


Launched by a concerned global network of citizen scientists to track and counter the decline of honey bee populations, Open Source Beehives are developing open source sensor kits that can track a number of hive metrics from temperature, humidity, to a host of others.